David Mills educational background includes a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Oglethorpe University, a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech, and an M.B.A. in Marketing and Business Policy from the University of Chicago.
David Mills is the Founder/President of The Mills Consulting Group is a marketing research and consulting firm supporting the informational needs of various non-profit and for-profit companies.
David Mills is the Founder/President of The Mills Consulting Group is a marketing research and consulting firm supporting the informational needs of various non-profit and for-profit companies. Project engagements are led by David Mills, who has over 25 years of professional experience in market research, product development, and market planning. Utilizing fundamentals in creative problem solving and understanding client needs to create actionable information, he has developed Creating Winning Initiatives, a systematic ideation approach that utilizes the collective genius within a company to generate and prioritize ideas that can quickly impact company growth.
David is also the Co-Founder and Managing Partner, SV36 LLC. SV36 LLC is a company dedicated to providing water disinfection technologies to underdeveloped areas of the world that have limited access to safe water. In its mission to broadly, quickly and affordably distribute products with their technologies, SV36 LLC identifies and builds relationships with in-country developmental partners. As a result, local people in each community are employed to manufacture and sell products, thereby impacting the economic well-being of these communities while improving the quality of life for many families. David is primarily responsible for establishing a network of international development partners who can establish a successful enterprise utilizing these water disinfection technologies.